Video Meetings with Zoom

One of the challenges we face as a diocese and network of churches is our vast geographic spread. To support, encourage and learn for one another as clergy and churches we often can’t just meet up for coffee on a regular basis. But pastoring at any level can be lonely work at times and we all can experience discouragement. And so having intentional opportunities as clergy and leaders to dialogue and encourage one another has been identified as an important element we need in place to continue to grow in a healthy way as a network of churches.

One tool that may help some of us in this goal is online video meetings. Connecting online means our geographic spread doesn’t matter and can facilitate more frequent and consistent connections. And, though not quite as personal as meeting face to face, meeting through video gives a significantly greater connection than simply our the phone. Being able to see the person, their facial expressions, their body language, can make a really big difference.

There are a variety of different video meeting applications available including Skype, Google Duo and Apple FaceTime. The application we’ve been using with great success at a diocesan level is called Zoom. Zoom has some great features and as well as one-to-one calls, easily enables larger group meetings. A basic account is free and the application can be used on just about any device or computer.

So, how can you get started?

What you need:

  1. A computer, tablet or smartphone (which includes a camera)
  2. A decent internet connection
  3. The Zoom application (well, actually on a computer you can even connect without the app through your internet browser. But it’s much better with the app)

How do you get the app?

Go to this link and follow the download instructions.

If you're using a computer you should download the Zoom Client and if you're on your table or smartphone download the appropriate Zoom Mobile App.
We should also note, that when someone joins a Zoom meeting they will automatically be prompted to download the Zoom client/app if they don't already have it.

How do you schedule a video meeting?

If you want to have a meeting with someone or a group, the best way is to schedule it ahead of time. Here’s the basics:

  1. Open the Zoom app (or go to the website)
  2. Click Schedule meeting
  3. Set your Topic title, date and time
  4. Click Schedule

Details and Tips:

  • Date and time - These are just for you and the other attendees to know when you’re intending to meet. The date and time don’t affect the meeting. You can still start and top it whenever you want.
  • Password - You can set a password for your meeting. This can ensure that people who are not invited to your meeting can't enter it. It does add another step for some people when entering you meeting. So it’s up to you whether you want to use it or not.
  • Video - I’d recommend you have both Host and Participant’s video set to on. Then when you all enter the meeting you don’t have people searching for that Start Video button.
  • Audio - If you’d like some people to be able to join the call using a phone and phone number it’s best to leave this option on “Telephone and Computer Audio”.

Advanced options:

  • Enable join before host - enable this option so people can practice joining the meeting beforehand and so they can join early and get sorted even before you get there.
  • Mute participants on entry - for many smaller meetings it’s probably simpler to leave this option disabled. But for larger meetings this can be helpful so that as more and more people join you don’t have a cacophony of sounds bombarding the meeting.

Further recommended Settings at

  • Screen Sharing "Host Only" - we recommend you set your screen sharing options to “Host Only”. There are reports of some hackers popping into Zoom meetings and sharing disturbing images. Setting this option to "Host Only" will stop them from being able to share those images from their screen.
    You can also always change this setting in a meeting by clicking the up-arrow next to the "Share" button and selecting "Advanced Sharing Options..."
    For more information about Zoom security settings click here

For more details about scheduling a meeting through the Zoom website you can watch this video:

How do people join my meeting?

You can have other people join your meeting by sharing its custom link with them. After you’ve scheduled your meeting:

  1. Click on the meeting
  2. Click Copy Invitation
  3. Create an email or text to the people you want in the meeting and Paste the Invitation you just copied. It should include a bunch of details about your meeting including the most important link that should look something like this:
    Join Zoom Meeting:
  4. Send the email or text
  5. You’re done!

Then when it’s time for the meeting people will be able to click that link and join the meeting. If they have the Zoom app it will open for them. If not the meeting should open in their internet browser. They will be prompted to download the Zoom application or join the meeting right from their internet browser.

For more details about how to join a Zoom meeting watch this video:


That’s about it. There are some features you’ll learn about as you use Zoom, like different views, ways to share your screen with others, send documents and chat while you meet. But those can be discovered as you go. (You can also watch this tutorial about those features and controls)

It is important to know that there are some time limitations on a free account, so your meeting may not be able to go for more than 45 minutes. A Pro account removes that time limit and is about $20 per/month.

If you're thinking about upgrading to a paid Pro account on Zoom we'd recommend you check out TechSoup Canada. Through TechSoup nonprofits and charities can get up to 50% off their Zoom subscription.

Or at least do check around for discount codes on sites like this:

We hope you’ll consider utilizing Zoom or another video meeting app for intentionally connecting with others to encourage, pray with and spur one another on.

Other Advanced Features

Breakout Rooms

If you have a larger group in your Zoom meeting the host can split the group up into smaller groups called "breakout rooms". This can be a great feature for prayer groups or discussion times.

When the host clicks the breakout rooms button in a meeting people can be automatically assigned to breakout rooms or the host can manually assign them.

The host can also assign a time length for the breakout sessions, after which everyone will automatically be brought back into the main meeting.

To enable the Breakout Rooms feature on your account you need to go to the Zoom website (, login and go to your profile. Go to Settings and you should see near the bottom the Breakout room option to enable.

You can learn more about using the Breakout Rooms option below:

Share Your Screen

Anyone in your Zoom meeting can share their screen with everyone in the meeting. This can be useful if someone want to show a document, video, website, etc.

To begin sharing your screen during a meeting you just click the Share button at the bottom. You will then be given some options about what you want to share. You can share you full desktop screen or a specific program or window.

If you are sharing a video that has sound make sure you check the box at the bottom to use your computer sound.

You can learn more about enabling the sharing your screen below:

Side-by-side View

While viewing the shared screen people can also click "View Options" at the top of the screen and select "Side-by-side view" allowing them to see the shared screen on part of their screen and people's faces on the other side.
The centre line between these two sides can be moved to shrink or expand either side.
They can also then select between "Gallery View" and "Speaker View" at the top right.

zoom split-screen 1