Rev. Chad Graham – The Church in a Pandemic

Many of our clergy were able to attend one of our Tuesday Zoom gatherings with our bishops on March 16, 2021 which featured a theological and legal presentation from Rev. Chad Graham, associate priest at Christ the King Edmonton and lawyer, on The Church in a Pandemic State of Emergency.

Below you can access a handout PDF from Chad, which includes some summaries of his presentation, links he referenced and his contact details.

You can also watch the video of his presentation to the first meeting of the day:

More About Chad:

Chad lives in Edmonton, Alberta with his family. He is currently serving bi-vocationally as an associate priest at Christ the King and as a lawyer working with non-profits and charities at the law firm of Richards + Company. You can read more about Chad on the Christ the King Edmonton website.
His contact details are in the Resource Handout.

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