INCREASE Conference – Toronto

January 24-26, 2023 | St. Chad’s | Toronto, ON |

INCREASE is a conference for anyone who is newly ordained(in the past 3 years), or those who sense a call to ordination in the future.

The purpose of the conference is:

networking, training, mentoring, equipping, friendship, and ANIC orientation

INCREASE is designed to assist churches and church plants in the work of developing the next generation of leaders, both lay and ordained. We aim to come alongside leaders as they develop the tools to disciple people in their own ministry context; this includes practical needs, teaching, and spiritual formation. We hope to see the deployment of leaders into ministry so that the duplication of that process may take place and the stream of developing leaders is unending.

Our aim is to provide leaders a firm foundation
and encourage them to multiply that experience for others

INCREASE will be held twice annually, once in eastern Canada and once in western Canada.
We would like to invite all ANIC parishes to participate, whether by sending leaders to participate, volunteering at the conference itself, or contributing to our budget costs. The structure will be workshop based, encouraging ample opportunity for discussion and learning through collaboration. Each attendee will be part of a small learning cohort, encouraging friendship and mutual learning. In 2023, we plan to add an additional conference track for lay leaders.

We are asking each rector in ANIC to make INCREASE a regular line item in your parishes’ annual budget, contributing $500 annually towards this new diocesan initiative. If you are sending leaders to attend, this donation would help offset their own costs. If you don’t have someone to send, please still consider contributing financially to support leadership across our entire diocese.

We are also looking for sponsorship from potential partnering organisations. If you or someone you know might be interested in this, please contact Rev. Anna Spray –