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Sanctity of Life Resources

Welcome to our page for resources related to upholding, affirming and teaching on the sanctity of human life. They will include resources regarding beginning-of-life issues like abortion, as well as end-of-life issues such as medical termination.

This page is intended for the use and benefit of clergy, staff and members of ANiC parishes.
If you have any questions about the page you can contact our office and we will connect you with someone who can help.

For more resources or questions about Sanctity of Life issues you can contact Canon Vicky Hedelius at canonvicky@anic.church

Canadian Christian Leaders Statment 2023

Read a statement on medically hastened death and the sanctity of life signed by many christian leaders across Canada, including our Diocesan Bishop Dan Gifford.


Sharon Fox - Death by Suicide

On Tuesday, June 6, 2023 Sharon Fox, speaker, author, certified Grief Facilitator and member of the ACNA spoke via Zoom to our clergy on the subject of Death by Suicide. In particular she focused on understanding and noticing the signs preceding suicide and how to support survivors left behind. This is part of our Ministry Growth Gathering series focusing on the issues of assisted suicide and the MAID program in Canada.
You can learn more about Sharon on her organization's website here: bravepenny.org

Dr. Margaret Cottle - Medical Termination

On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 Dr. Margaret Cottle, clinical assistant professor at the University of British Columbia and palliative care physician spoke via Zoom to our clergy on the subject of Medical Termination and the MAID program. In particular she focused on understanding MAID in Canada and the nature of medical termination from a Christian perspective. This is part of our Ministry Growth Gathering series focusing on the issues of assisted suicide and the MAID program in Canada.

Many of the book and articles she references in her presentation are available below.

If Dr. Cottle can be of assistance on these issues she's kindly offered her email address as a way to contact her: mmcottle@mac.com

Dr. Margaret Cottle - Caring for the Dying

On Tuesday, July 11, 2023 Dr. Margaret Cottle, clinical assistant professor at the University of British Columbia and palliative care physician spoke via Zoom to our clergy on the subject of pastorally caring for the dying in a culture embracing MAID and medical termination. This is a continuation of our Ministry Growth Gathering series focusing on the issues of assisted suicide and the MAID program in Canada.

If Dr. Cottle can be of assistance on these issues she's kindly offered her email address as a way to contact her: mmcottle@mac.com


Below are some books which you may find helpful.

Topic: End of Life

Sharing the Darkness - Dr. Sheila Cassidy

With the End in Mind - Dr. Kathryn Mannix

Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering - Timothy Keller


Below are some articles which you may find helpful.

Topic: End of Life

No Other Options - The New Atlantic
Newly revealed documents depict a Canadian euthanasia regime that efficiently ushers the vulnerable to a "beautiful" death.

Euthanasia in Canada: A Cautionary Tale - World Medical Journal

The "Normalization" of Euthanasia in Canada: the Cautionary Tale Continues - World Medical Journal

Intensive Caring: Reminding Patients They Matter - Harvey Max Chochinov, MD, PHD (American Society of Clinical Oncology)

Organizations & Projects

Below are some links to other resources and organizations which may be useful to you regarding the sanctity of life.
*While we appreciate much of the content we're linking to we are not directly associated with any of these organizations and so we can't vouch for the entirety of their materials or positions.

Anglicans For Life Canada

A pastoral ministry dedicated to the biblical foundations of upholding the Sanctity of Human Life.

No Options, No Choice

A campaign for greater access to palliative care, mental health services, and support for people with disabilities.

Dying With Christ - CMDA

A project from the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada to provide resources for end of life care and ministry.

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."

Psalm 139:13-16