Rev. Chad Graham – The Church in a Pandemic

Many of our clergy were able to attend one of our Tuesday Zoom gatherings with our bishops on March 16, 2021 which featured a theological and legal presentation from Rev. Chad Graham, associate priest at Christ the King Edmonton and lawyer, on The Church in a Pandemic State of Emergency. Below you can access a … Read more

Introduce Our 5 Priorities

Are you looking to highlight our 5 Priorities in your church? One way might be to show our introduction videos. We have short videos for each priority and now a 12 minute video which combines them all: Biblically Grounded Bold Witnesses Loving Children & Families On Mission Planting & Growing Churches You can view it … Read more

Your Employee and Family Assistance Program

Have you taken a look at our Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP)? It gives ANiC employees and their families access to a wealth of professional counselling services and resources on subjects like: stress, depression, addiction, finances, nutrition, adoption, estate planning and much more: Provided through LifeWorks by Morneau Shepell, the resources include self-directed online … Read more

Clergy Day – Synod 2019

November 5, 2019 | We are happy to announce that Archbishop Bob Duncan will join us for our Synod 2019 Clergy Day. He will present and teach on The Book of Common Prayer 2019 which the ACNA released earlier this year. He, more than anyone, is responsible for the drafting and delivering of BCP 2019 … Read more