Using The Word One to One

On February 29, 2024 Bishop Dan hosted a conversation about the evangelism tool The Word One to One, including presentations from Ven. Sean Love and Ven. Tim Parent regarding how they are seeking to utilize it in their churches. You can watch the video below:

Clergy Day at Synod 2023

On November 14, 2023 in Vancouver, BC, Dr. Bruce Hindmarsh presented at our Synod 2023 Clergy Day. Bruce is professor of Spiritual Theology at James M. Houston and professor of the History of Christianity at Regent College and the author of multiple books. He presented on enriching one’s devotional life through the prayer book and … Read more

Vestments Sharing

We know that vestments can be a daunting expense for clergy. And that sometimes we have clergy who have some vestments which they no longer use or need. And so we’ve had an excellent suggestion that we create a space where clergy could share vestments they don’t need anymore with those who could use them. … Read more

Preaching Christ in All the Psalms – Dr. Glen Taylor

On September 26, 2023 the Rev. Dr. Glen Taylor, interim rector at Christ the King Toronto and long-time professor at Wycliffe College, joined our clergy on Zoom to teach on “Preaching Christ in All the Psalms”. You can watch his presentation below. This was a follow up to his earlier teaching on “Seeing Christ in … Read more

Remember Your Employee Benefits

Do you know everything you and your family have access to in your employee benefits plan and your Assistance Program? If you’re an ANiC employee we highly recommend you review them regularly to ensure you are utilizing all the benefits that can support you and your family. Employee Benefits Our employee benefits program is through … Read more

The Gospel Through the Liturgy – Gavin Dunbar

 On Tuesday, March 7, 2023 the Reverend Gavin Dunbar, rector of St. John’s Church in Savannah, Georgia, shared with our clergy a presentation titled ‘What Was Cranmer Thinking: Praying the Gospel Through the Liturgy’. His presentation is based around the 1662 Book of Common Prayer Service of Holy Communion. You can watch the full presentation … Read more

Lay Reader Training

This Lay Reader Training Course is designed to be used in congregations to train interested lay people in Anglican history, theology, the various pastoral offices and liturgies and structure of the Book of Common Prayer, and in the ministry of the Word, for the sake of service in the Parish and in the Diocese.  Lay … Read more

5 Priorities Clergy Survey

Dear ANiC clergy,As you know, Bishop Charlie has been challenging each of our congregations since 2014 to prioritize five specific areas in their life together. We’ve called these our ANiC 5 Ministry Priorities, or simply the 5 Priorities. You can review them here: Time for Reflection As we enter the summer and look ahead … Read more

INCREASE Conference – Toronto

January 24-26, 2023 | St. Chad’s | Toronto, ON | INCREASE is a conference for anyone who is newly ordained(in the past 3 years), or those who sense a call to ordination in the future. The purpose of the conference is: networking, training, mentoring, equipping, friendship, and ANIC orientation INCREASE is designed to assist churches … Read more

INCREASE Conference

May 3-5, 2022 | Church of the Good Shepherd | Vancouver, BC INCREASE is a conference for anyone who is newly ordained(in the past 3 years), or those who sense a call to ordination in the future. The purpose of the conference is: networking, training, mentoring, equipping, friendship, and ANIC orientation INCREASE is designed to … Read more