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Parish leadership is like a switchboard. There are hundreds of incoming messages that all need to be conveyed to an appropriate destination. Parish operations depend on a free flow of communications. When communications go wrong it is suddenly like the insulation has come off the wires and there is loose electricity in the switchboard. If it is not dealt with the switchboard will first heat up, then smoke, then shut down. Some suggestions for handling loose electricity are as follows:

1. Never take action based on a rumour, never repeat a rumour.

Response: "If you could authenticate that for me, or if you would share that with me in writing, I would be happy to check it out. "

2. Be wary of those who claim to speak for others, and to amplify negativity.

Response: "If you would share with me the names of those who feel that way, I would be happy to have a conversation with each of them."

3. When somebody is pressuring you privately to do something that goes against the mind of the group, widen the conversation. "

Response: "Come and share your idea at the worship committee and let's see how others feel about it."

4. Take criticism graciously even when you don't agree with it.

Response: "I am not sure l'm convinced by your viewpoint, but I much appreciate you sharing that with me personally. I'll give it further thought."

5. Help people to own some of the responsibility for the suggestions they make.

Response: "If the advisory board does accept your idea, would you be willing to give some leadership to get it off the ground?" .

6. Don't act on confidential information about a third party unless the person agrees to the confidential information being shared with you.

Response: "l'm sorry to hear that your son and daughter in-law are having marriage problems, and I understand you wanting me to visit them, but you'll have to clear that with them first. Could you have them invite me over, or call me and come in for an appointment. "

Item XVI

©1999 Ronald C. Ferris

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