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Trust is an essential ingredient to leadership and to community. A climate of trust allows people to take the risk of change. People and communities cannot grow without the essential ingredient of trust. Here are some ideas for styles of leadership that build trust.

1) Lose Graciously

Let people know that your leadership motives are not power and domination. Be willing to lose battles that are not important matters of moral principle. Show an unconditional love for your people that is not dependent on the outcome of any vote.

2) Love before Change

Love people before you try to change them. When you love people you will not ask them to bend so far that they will break. When you love them you will feed them change at a pace that will nourish them and not choke them.

3) Show a Personal Interest in Others

Never treat people simply as "members of the board" or "wardens". Visiting is a very important priestly function to show your personal interest in people and understand their background and where they are coming from.

4) Pick up on Suggestions

Set a climate where people’s good ideas will be valued and where conversations will turn into action plans.

5) Hear Other Views

When people are tense or angry, set a climate of patient listening and dialogue. Try to turn negative energy into positive energy.

6) Deliver What You Have Promised

Many church meetings go on far too long and are inconclusive as to who is going to do what. When a matter has been fully aired, there is a time for decision and a time for an action plan. Do not promise to do tasks unless you are sure you can deliver. Ask that all people who take on tasks report to the group at the next meeting.

7) Wait and Ponder Before You Press

There may come a time to press a community to take a decision. Those times should be rare. If you press the community it may look like your power needs and your agenda are more important than them. Always wait and ponder before you press. Frustration can lead us to pressure tactics, but we will undermine future decisions and a healthy open climate.


©2002 Ronald C. Ferris

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