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  Canada Day Letter from Bishop Charlie Masters  

28 June, 2017 

As you all know, this coming July 1st will mark the 150th anniversary of our nation of Canada.

I have no doubt that all of us have a mounting list of major concerns for the on going health of our beloved Canada (real concerns, serious concerns) but  we should also recognize that of all the people on this planet, we who live in Canada are among the most blessed. This is not because we are great but only because we are incredibly blessed, blessed by God.

I've recently come back from a wonderful two week vacation in the home of some dear friends in Greece. While there, I had the opportunity to meet with a group of men from all over the Middle East and North Africa. In every case when they became aware that I was from Canada, their faces lit up with joy and often they said in broken English: "I love Canada. Canada is the best."

So dear members of ANiC, we of all people should join our local communities and celebrate this great anniversary! We of all people should return thanks to the Lord for His goodness in allowing us to enjoy this beautiful land and all the blessings and opportunities it provides us and our children and our children's children. We of all people should also pray even more fervently for our great land.

The Fathers of Confederation chose the name 'The Dominion of Canada' based on the verse Psalm 72:8 using the King James Version in which they read: "He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth." This was their prayer for this new nation that the Lord Jesus would truly have dominion from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth.

Their prayer and consecration of our nation to the Lord Jesus, I believe stands. The Peace Tower in Ottawa itself bears three primary passages, the most prominent being Psalm 72:8, which is also featured on Canada's coat of arms. This is why the church planting network of which ANiC is part is called C2C because we believe it will be by the planting of more and more churches in every community that His wonderful rule will be extended and our nation will be truly blessed.

I am happy to report that our beloved Primate, Archbishop Foley Beach, the Primate of a Province that spans all of North America has written our Prime Minister to greet him on behalf of all of ACNA and ANiC and assure him of our joy and our prayer for the ongoing blessing of the great land.

I encourage you to be involved in the local festivities of our respective communities. I also ask that on July 2nd you take time in your Sunday services to thank the Lord, to pray for our nation of Canada and all our leaders. That we commit ourselves as the Church to serve Canada and all the peoples of Canada and to share our best which is the gospel of Jesus Christ.


NOTE: Attached here you will find an Evensong Booklet which St. Peter and St. Pauls Church in Ottawa have produced for their service on the eve of Canada Day. They have also written a 'Collect for Canada' in the booklet if anyone would like to use that in their service.

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Anglican Network in Canada | Box 1013 | Burlington | ON | Canada | L7R 4L8 | Tel.: 1-866-351-2642 | Anglican Network email contact

Registered Canadian Charity Number: 861 091 981 RR 0001