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  Clergy events

March 7-9 – Silent retreat for clergy in Southern Ontario
This year's retreat is planned for March. Mark your calendar and plan to join in this time of physical and spiritual refreshing.
Dates: March 7-9 
Location: Valley of the Mother of God Coptic retreat centre
Speaker: The Rev Dawn McDonald
Theme: "Come away with me and rest a while" (Mark 6:31)
See flyer for information and registration details.

May 15-18 – ANiC clergy retreat at Malibu Camp on the rugged and remote BC coast
All ANiC clergy and their spouses are invited to enjoy a retreat at Young Life's spectacular Malibu Camp on Princess Louisa Inlet. You will experience solid teaching together with worship, physical rest, spiritual refreshment, and enriching fellowship. We want to strengthen and encourage one another in our ministry and refocus on our Christ-ordained, Kingdom-advancing mission. This year's teachers, the Rev Canon David Short (rector, St John's Vancouver) and the Rev Simon Manchester (rector, St Thomas Anglican Church, North Sydney, Australia), will teach from 2 Corinthians – strength in weakness. Join Bishop's Trevor and Charlie and many of your fellow clergy for this annual highlight. Mark your calendars and see flyer for more information.  [Note: Subsidies are available this year!  Contact the ANiC office.]

Past Events

October 25-28 – Clergy Day & Synod 2016
Good Shepherd Vancouver is hosting Synod, Clergy Day and Workshops again this year. (In 2017, Synod will return to Ottawa where we will be celebrating both Canada’s 150th and ANiC’s 10th anniversaries.)

June 7 – Southern Ontario Prayer event
Bishop Charlie Masters and the Rev. Garth Hunt are inviting everyone in the southern Ontario area to join with them for a special Prayer Event on Tuesday June 7th (10:00 to 4:00) at the Coptic Retreat Centre located outside of Orangeville. This event is open to everyone.  Cost will be $15 and includes lunch. Please pre-register with 

Some background: Almost 2 years ago Pastor Garth Hunt, the Prayer Co-ordinator for ANiC, wrote a series of devotions in his monthly prayer newsletter called “Praying for Revival”. In response to these articles the area ANiC clergy began meeting for focused prayer. These clergy prayer gatherings have continued, at first on a seasonal basis, and then since October on a monthly basis. For this upcoming Prayer event on June 7th Bishop Charlie has decided to invite everyone (and not just the area clergy).

The location: This prayer event is being held at a unique location -- a Coptic retreat centre outside of Orangeville.  The Coptic church is the main Christian church in Egypt. The 12 young men who were beheaded by ISIL on the beach in Libya were all Coptic Egyptian Christians and their testimony is certainly an inspiration to our generation.  The full name of this retreat centre is "The Valley of the Mother of God" located at:  953376 7 Th Line Ehs, Orangeville/Mono, ON L9W 2Z2

April 12-14 – Ontario clergy silent retreat
The 2016 Clergy Silent Retreat will be April 12-14 at the Valley of the Mother of God centre near Orangeville – the same venue as last year. And once again, Bishop Charlie will be the retreat leader. The retreat starts on Tuesday, April 12 at 5pm and end on Thursday, April 14 at 11:30am. See the flyer. See information sheet.

May 2-5 – Western clergy retreat at Malibu Club on the rugged and remote BC coast
Clergy and their spouses are invited to enjoy a retreat at Young Life’s spectacular Malibu Camp on Princess Louisa Inlet. You will experience solid teaching together with worship, physical rest, spiritual refreshment, and enriching fellowship. We want to strengthen and encourage one another in our ministry and refocus on our Christ-ordained, Kingdom-advancing mission. This year’s teacher is our own Rev Dr Jon Vickery (Christ Church, Kelowna). Join Bishop’s Trevor and Charlie and many of your fellow clergy for this annual highlight. Mark your calendars and see flyer for more information.



Anglican Network in Canada | Box 1013 | Burlington | ON | Canada | L7R 4L8 | Tel.: 1-866-351-2642 | Anglican Network email contact

Registered Canadian Charity Number: 861 091 981 RR 0001