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  General Synod Update – Monday June 18, 2007

(Sorry for the delay in sending this update… We’ve been having technical difficulties with our network connection at the hotel.)

Although General Synod doesn’t get underway until Tuesday evening, Anglican Essentials volunteers, leaders and adherents were in high gear on Monday with organizational meetings, inspirational worship and thoughtful presentations.

Be encouraged
Kicking off “Encouragement 2007”, Dr. Andrew Goddard, a tutor in Ethics at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, addressed 75 Anglican Essentials leaders, volunteers and General Synod Delegates, with a clear and persuasive exposition of Romans 12:1-2, as a context for this week’s General Synod discussions.

Goddard quoted the St. Andrew’s Day report of the Church of England (1995) which calls on the Church “to assist its members to a life of faithful witness in chastity and holiness…”

Christian Ethics, he said, is distinct from world ethics, because we are called to live a life…
“…worthy of the gospel of Christ…” (Phil 1:27)
“…worthy of the Lord…”” (Col.1:10)
“…worthy of God…” (2 Thess 1:12)
“…worthy of the calling (we) have received.” (Eph.4:1),

All delegates have been invited to hear Dr Goddard as he speaks several more times during the week.

Get involved
For a minute by minute description of events and developments, see our live BLOG from the floor of General Synod.

Your intercession is vital to AEC’s work at General Synod. You can participate in the 24/7 prayer vigil website set up for General Synod. Jesus promised, “… where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

Please pray:
For discernment and insight for the Rev Murray Henderson and the team leading the motions strategy.
For grace, wisdom and courage for the Rev Charlie Masters and others who are speaking to the media this week.
For gentleness and love for the many volunteers mingling with delegates this week, representing AEC and our concerns.
For the peace of Christ to reign in the hearts and minds of delegates committed to advancing the Kingdom of Christ on the floor of General Synod.
That many delegates will come hear and be blessed by Dr Goddard.

Please give thanks:
That this battle is not ours, but the Lords
For the gracious hospitality and servant hearts of the many AEC volunteers – many from Winnipeg and Brandon – providing transportation, accommodation, food, technical support and worship leadership.
For the strong media interest – and those willing to represent AEC before the media

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