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  GAFCon update: June 22, 2008
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GAFCON ö a rescue mission
GAFCON Jerusalem 2008 formally got underway last evening with the chairman, Archbishop Peter Akinola, calling on the 1,200 pilgrims to prayerfully discern where the Lord is leading the Anglican Church. He urged that we come up with practical, realistic and actionable decisions that will honour God, and bring blessing to the Communion.
"We cannot succumb to this turmoil in our Communion and simply watch helplessly,” said Archbishop Akinola.  “We have found ourselves in a world in which Anglican leaders hold on to a form of religion but consistently deny its power."
Session chairman, Archbishop Emmanuel Kolini, then declared "the beginning of the Second Reformation".  When asked about this statement later in the news conference, Archbishop Kolini said, “Some of us have departed from the Bible and some of us are coming back to the foundation of the Christian faith.”

GAFCON Leaders meet Bishop of Jerusalem
More than 100 leaders of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) joined Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem Suheil Salman Dawani in a prayer service at St. George’s Cathedral on June 22.

“We care deeply about the welfare of Christians in the Holy Land and take our relationships within the Anglican Communion very seriously.  The least we could do was come to Saint George’s Cathedral to pray together as we begin our pilgrimage,” said Archbishop Peter Jensen of Sydney.

Bishop Dalwani used his welcome message to challenge GAFCON leaders to listen to Holy Spirit’s leading in the decisions they make this week.  “Pilgrims here do not bring decisions with them.  They come here to seek prayerfully the decisions God wants them to make,” said Dalwani.

Archbishop Peter Akinola, primate of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), responded to the welcome of Bishop Dalwani.  “We want to be a blessing to you… to join with you in carrying out God’s working in this part of the world,” he said.

Papal Nuncio of Jerusalem also welcomed GAFCON pilgrims.  “I wish you dearly a beautiful experience.  I wish you a spiritual renewal.  May the Lord guide you,” he said.

GAFCon resources
There will be many options for keeping up with the latest news and events from the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) in Jerusalem, June 22 - 29.
We will post photos to the Anglican Network in Canada website.
GAFCON website: Video, audio, press statements, transcripts and primary documents will be posted throughout the week.
The Way, the Truth and the Life – An excellent reference and discussion book prepared for GAFCon delegates prior to the conference.
Anglican TV – Kevin Kallsen, the driving force behind Anglican TV is in Jerusalem and will be posting video of the events beginning on June 22.  You can watch the “live” sessions in the “window” at the top of the page, while the archived sessions can be accessed by scrolling down the page.
Anglican Essentials blog – We will try to post updates on our blog as frequently as possible – perhaps daily, if work demands allow.  Sunday’s blog contained highlights of the pre-conference reference and discussion document, The Way, the Truth and the Light.
Many independent journalists and bloggers will also be reporting from Jerusalem, including:

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