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  ANiC Newsletter: 28 September, 2011 ... pdf version

Handle with prayer!

News – ANiC and AEN

ANiC is printing a 2012 liturgical calendar
ANiC is producing a Liturgical Calendar for 2012 – a very attractive liturgical calendar!

It’s a full colour, 8 x 10 inch (when folded) wall calendar that features original artwork by some of the many extraordinarily talented artists within the Anglican Network in Canada.
The days and colours of the Church Year are clearly noted, making it a valuable resource for all of us and an essential companion for clergy and church leaders. In formulating the Church Year, ANiC’s registrar, the Rev Tom Carman, has tried to incorporate a range of traditions in order to accommodate the diversity of practice within our church.

Proceeds from the sale of the calendars will go to support ANiC’s church planting initiatives. They are priced at $10 apiece, with discounts for bulk orders: 10 for $90 ($9 each) and 50 for $400 ($8 each). Churches or church groups may wish to order in bulk to resell as their own fund-raiser – or simply to pass on the savings to parishioners. (An order form is on our website.) For those picking up their calendars at ANiC’s synod, you’ll receive a bonus of one free calendar for every package of 10 you’ve ordered.

In endorsing the calendar, Bishop Don says,
“Many of you are aware of the emphasis I place on a proper observance of the Christian Year as our new parishes take shape. I highly commend this calendar as a great tool in accomplishing this on a regular basis… When you order a calendar for yourself, consider getting extras to use as gifts, especially at Christmas. Not only will it be beautiful and significant, but in a way it becomes a quiet form of evangelism... At the same time, you will be helping us plant and build Biblically faithful churches in the Anglican tradition.”

Because we are printing a limited number of calendars, you may wish to get your orders in quickly.

A big “thank you” to our featured artists, to our graphic artist Daniel Hartwig and to Jayne Kirby and her crew of volunteers at Christ the King (Victoria) who are handling ordering and distribution.

Synod agenda posted, speakers confirmed
On our tentative agenda you’ll notice that our conference and synod keynote speakers are:
Bishop John Guernsey, who is newly installed as the Bishop of ACNA’s Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic and is well known to many ANiC members,
Canon Phil Ashey, chaplain and COO of the American Anglican Council. Canon Ashey is spearheading two very-well-received initiatives designed to train and equip clergy as well as church leaders.

You’ll find more information on the speakers, the lay conference and the synod on our website.

A featured speaker at the clergy conference is the
Rev Dawn MacDonald of Zacchaeus Fellowship who will conduct a workshop for clergy on "Ministering to sexually broken persons in our congregations". Dawn is well known to many in ANiC and will be available throughout the event for private consultations and chats. You can read Dawn’s testimony on the Zacchaeus website.

Registration – Early bird registration for the conference and synod is $295 for the three days. Please help us plan by registering as early as possible. If you can’t attend the entire event, you can request a $50 day pass for the lay conference on November 2 by emailing There is no need to register online if you only wish the pass for November 2. When emailing, please provide your contact details and the names of each person for whom you are requesting passes. You will receive confirmation by email.

Prayer – Please also remember to pray for synod. Recognizing that ANiC is utterly dependent upon God, the Rev Garth Hunt has written a prayer for synod which we’d very much appreciate parishes incorporating into their prayers each Sunday leading up to the event. It is posted at the end of the Synod page on our website.

Introducing Jessica…
Jessica Underdown joined ANiC’s Burlington office staff in August as an Administrative Assistant. She and her husband recently moved back to Canada from England and are parishioners at Jessica’s long-time home church, St George’s Burlington. Jessica says she is delighted to serve the ANiC community.

Bishop’s report
Last week both Bishop Don Harvey and Bishop Charlie Masters were with our clergy in New England for their annual retreat in Kenneybunk, Maine. This week all of our bishops are at the College of Bishops Consultation with our Primate in Sumas, Washington. Please continue to pray for our Bishops during these challenging but exciting times.

We sorrow not as those who have no hope
ANiC deacon, the Rev Paul Raymond Almond (St Aidan’s, Windsor, ON) left this life on September 21 2011 and went to be with his Lord. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and his extended church family at St Aidan’s.

Conference addresses pastoral care of women
St George’s (Burlington, ON) is holding its annual conference day Saturday, Oct 29, 9am - 4:30 pm, at Crieff Hills. The speaker, Donna Lee Sisson, a teacher at Women’s Ministries Institute will address Pastoral Care of Women. Cost is $40 which includes lunch. Please email your attendance to Cheques should be made out to St George's (ANiC) noting Women's Conference in the memo line. Send cheques to St George’s, 1295 North Service Rd, Burlington, ON L7R 4M2. For more information, email or call Donna Rigo 905-335-6222.

Healing prayer conference
Celebration Church (Barrie, ON) is holding a one-day Healing Prayer Conference on Sunday, October 16 with the Rev Dr Mark Pearson, author of Christian Healing: A Practical & Comprehensive Guide. Canon Mark Pearson is above all a man of God, who has intently studied what God says and does in the field of healing. For over thirty years he has prayed with people and taught people how to pray for healing, and has witnessed many miracles of healing accomplished by God. If you need healing or wish to learn about ministering to others, plan to attend. Full details and registration information is online. You can also email Celebration Church if you have questions.

Please pray for ANiC members working in Uganda
The Rev Geoffrey and Rosalind Dixon of Christ's Church (Oceanside, BC) are n south-western Uganda until the end of October, doing discipleship training with church leaders, in conjunction with the Diocese of Ankole. The Rev Richard Roberts, deacon at ANiC Church of the Ascension (Langley, BC) and Program Manager for Africa Community Technical Service (ACTS) leaves for Uganda on September 28 for a month. Your prayers are appreciated. 

ARDFC update
The Anglican Relief and Development Fund Canada has entered its second year of operations, having completed one project – working with the Diocese of Maseno West (Kenya) on malaria prevention – and beginning another. Our current project, in which we are partnering with Diocese of Kindu (Congo) helps reestablish refugees returning home after years of war. The project encompasses both peace-building and agricultural initiatives, providing farming tools, training, seeds and some livestock. For more information, please see our website.

We have also recently posted our first ARDFC newsletter which attempts to answer the question, “Why give to ARDFC when there are so many other charities around?” One reason is that ARDFC offers donors confidence: Confidence that the projects are meeting real needs; Confidence that the projects are helping churches in the Global South be the hands and feet of Jesus as they minister in their communities, Confidence that the money will be used as donors intended.

While the Anglican Relief and Development Fund Canada (ARDFC) is relatively new, our US partner (the ARDF) is celebrating its seventh year of operation, having delivered over $4.8 million in funding to over 105 relief and development projects. Its international board of trustees includes a number of Global South Primates who select the projects to be undertaken. The ARDF has prepared an excellent report on its ministry, values, methodology and track record.

November 13 – Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Sunday, November 13 has been designated as a global day of prayer for persecuted believers. Today, more Christians than ever face persecution. In gratitude for the religious freedom we still enjoy in North America, let us faithfully remember those who suffer for their Lord. On November 13, in particular, all ANiC churches are asked to join in this global prayer for the persecuted Church. Information and resources for this prayer emphasis are online.

Update on St John’s Vancouver (BC)
St John’s Vancouver (BC) is now out of its longtime building. According to the church’s website, after last Sunday’s 10am Holy Communion service the congregation processed out from the church, then drove to their new location to continue the worship by “singing God’s praises and thanking Him for His goodness to us” and eating lunch together. Desiring to be a blessing to the new occupants, parishioners held a clean-up day at their former building before moving.

While the ministry and worship location for St John’s Vancouver is the Oakridge Adventist Church, St John’s office has moved to 2325 Burrard Street. And the new office phone number for all staff is (604) 558-4400.

In his moving letter to the congregation last Sunday, Canon David Short concludes: “
…most of all I want to say how thankful I am. Thankful that you are willing to do something countercultural and counterintuitive for the truth of God’s word; to lose something very valuable for the surpassing worth of Jesus Christ; to hold the unity of the faith by holding onto each other and acting together as one body; to joyfully accept the confiscation of your property. God is not ashamed to be called your God, for he has prepared for you a city.”

St John’s Vancouver has issued two news releases recently to keep the media informed of their activities as they transition to the new site. Media coverage has included:
Anglican Journal – September 22 2011 – Breakaway Anglicans find new worship space
Winnipeg Free Press – September 22 2011 – …congregation leaves historic church building…

Reminder: Ottawa clergy conference cancelled
For those who missed the news earlier, the Ottawa clergy conference with Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali planned for October 15-17 has been cancelled. Hopefully, an event will be organized for next year.

Parish news
St David’s the Faithful (Winnipeg, BC) now has a Facebook page.

Christ The King (Toronto, ON) is celebrating its 1st anniversary with on October 16. At that service the Rev Jonathan Wong will be inducted as priest-in-charge and the Rev Robin Guinness as associate priest. All are invited. See poster for details. The church is also plunging into a new sermon series on the book of Jonah. For services and location, see the website.

Emmaus (Montreal, QC) – The Rev Keith Ganzer was inducted as the new rector on Sunday September 18 by Bishop Charlie Masters. The church also has a terrific new website!

St Andrew’s (Delta, BC) – The Rev Dr Mike Dobson will be inducted as rector of St Andrew’s on Sunday, October 16, 9am by Bishop Trevor Walters. The service is held at the Tsawwassen Longhouse, 1710-56 St, Delta. You are invited!

Calendar of upcoming events – for your interest and prayer support
Oct 1, 7:30pm – Good Shepherd Vancouver missions evening with reports from Thailand & China
Oct 8 – Bible-in-a-Day seminar, Christ’s Church, Oceanside, near Parksville, BC
Oct 16 – Christ The King 1st anniversary celebration
Oct 16 – Celebration Church (Barrie, ON), Healing Prayer Conference
Oct 22, 7:30pm – Fundraising concert for missions at Good Shepherd Vancouver
Oct 29 – Bible-in-a-Day seminar, St John’s Richmond, BC
Oct 29 – Pastoral Care of Women, St George’s (Burlington, ON) conference, Crieff Hills
Nov 2 – ANiC Clergy Day, Victoria, BC
Nov 2 – ANiC lay conference, Victoria, BC
Nov 3-4 – ANiC synod, Victoria, BC
Nov 10-11 – Anglican1000’s Liturgy & the Arts conference, Durham, NC
Nov 13 – International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Mar 6-8 – Anglican 1000’s 2012 Church Planting Summit in Plano, TX.
June 7-9 – ACNA Provincial Assembly, Ridgecrest, NC

News – Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)

Two dioceses in formation
The Charleston (South Carolina) Post and Courier newspaper tells us that the Anglican Church in North America has two new dioceses being formed in the US south-east. It reports,
“ACNA includes nearly 700 congregations… in 21 dioceses. Two more regional governing bodies, the dioceses of the Carolinas and the Southwest, soon will join them.” The Rev Steve Wood, rector of St Andrew’s in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina has just been appointed Vicar General of the forming Diocese of the Carolinas. His mandate is to organize the administrative requirements for the diocese to launch. “The goal is to draft the canons of the diocese, search for a bishop and finish establishing the administrative structure by June 2012, when ACNA's provincial council next meets, he [the Rev Wood] said.”

Consecration of bishops
The Rev Canon Dr Felix Orji, who has special ties to some ANiC members, was consecrated – along with Bishop-elect Julian Dobbs and a four Nigerian clergy – by the Primate of Nigeria, Archbishop Nicholas Okoh on Sunday, September 25 in Lagos. Bishop Orji once ministered at St John’s Shaughnessy (now St John’s Vancouver). Both are in the ACNA diocese of CANA (convocation of Anglicans in North America) which retains its historic ties to the Church of Nigeria.

Bishop Eric Menees was consecrated September 24 in Fresno, California where he now leads the ACNA Diocese of San Joaquin. Bishop-elect Kevin Bond Allen will be consecration on September 30 in Seattle, Washington to lead the newly formed Diocese of Cascadia. More information is available on the ACNA website.

Bishop John Guernsey, one of the keynote speakers at ANiC’s upcoming synod and lay conference, was recently invested in Virginia to lead the recently formed Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic. A video of the service is on AnglicanTV.

Videos of our Primate and more
AnglicanTV has two interesting videos of Archbishop Bob Duncan. The first is an interview with him about his experiences on September 11, 2001. The second is the sermon he preached at Falls Church, Virginia on the 10th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks.

Another video – this time an interview with Canon Kendall Harmon – offers a uniquely compelling perspective on the terrorist attacks now known as 9/11. Canon Harmon wonders if God’s judgement was working in and through the events of 9/11 and whether we were blind and deaf to a call to repentance.

Why Anglican?
Canon Phil Ashey in the current edition of the weekly two-minute Anglican Perspective video extols the beauty of Anglican worship.

News – Canada

Judge cites sanction of abortion in issuing a suspended sentence for infanticide
A LifeSiteNews article on the sentencing of a young Alberta woman convicted of killing her baby, reports “An Alberta judge has let a woman who strangled her newborn son walk free by arguing that Canada’s absence of a law on abortion signals that Canadians
“sympathize” with the mother….” Decrying this “fourth trimester abortion”, Dr Albert Mohler notes that this decision “extends the principles underlying legalized abortion.” He adds, “The willingness to kill within the womb leads logically to a willingness to kill outside the womb…. this judge has simply extended the logic of abortion…. If the “onerous demands” of parenthood justify killing one’s own child, there is no logical reason to confine permissive infanticide to newborns, or even to younger children.”

Faith Today magazine free for college students
The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada magazine, Faith Today, is offering students studying at Christian postsecondary schools a complimentary four-year online subscription.

Lutheran appointed dean of Anglican cathedral
In a first for Canada, the Rev Paul Johnson, a Lutheran minister, has been appointed dean (priest-in-charge of a cathedral) of St John’s Cathedral in Winnipeg, mother church of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land.

More Canadian News
Anglican Planet – September 25 2011 – After the Fire [About VBS in Slave Lake, AB]

News – USA

Audacious letter from TEC diocese asks former congregation to help meet shortfall
Canon Phil Ashey discussed a congregation in Albuquerque, New Mexico which left the Episcopal Church (TEC) Diocese of Rio Grande to form a new parish under the Anglican Church in North America. They willingly walked away from everything, their church building, endowments, bank accounts, everything. Now, two years later, their former TEC bishop has written a “pastoral” letter informing them of the diocesan council’s decision that the now ACNA congregation should be responsible for their former parish’s shortfall in contributions to the diocese - $20,000. While this extraordinary letter demonstrates unprecedented gall, it also strangely serves to contradict the Episcopal Church’s mantra that
"people can leave, but churches cannot" – a mantra that has been repeated cited by TEC in property litigating.

TEC purports to nullify decisions taken by diocese
Recent decisions taken by the Diocese of South Carolina are “null and void”, according to the Episcopal Church’s (TEC). VirtueOnline explains that
“Last February, delegates to the 2011 [South Carolina] Diocesan Convention gave final approval to amendments to the Diocese's governing document eliminating "accession" to the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church.” The theologically conservative diocese, led by Bishop Mark Lawrence, has remained within TEC while asserting its sovereignty over its own affairs.

Other US news
Church of England Newspaper – Sept 9 2011 – Repairs underway for Washington’s… Cathedral
Minneapolis Star Tribune – Sept 12 2011 – Ugandan bishop and gay rights advocate to visit…

News – International

Global South Primates speak
In a September 9th Communique following their meeting in China as guests of the Chinese government, eleven Global South Primates rejoice in the growth of the Chinese church, but focus primarily on issues in the Anglican Communion. Noting that while the
“…majority of Anglicans are found no longer in the west…”, Anglican Provinces in the west have succumbed to the pressures of our secular culture, unlike most Global South churches, which remain “…committed to our historic faith and order”. While reiterating their commitment to the Communion, they say, “Sadly, however, the Anglican Communion’s Instruments of Unity have become dysfunctional and no longer have the ecclesial and moral authority to hold the Communion together.” After listing examples of the failures of the Instruments of Communion, which includes the Archbishop of Canterbury, they insist “…that the Primates should be the proper moral and spiritual authority for the monitoring of the Covenant.” They add that they are planning a missions consultation to which orthodox Anglican churches will be invited; and conclude that “We are committed to support faithful orthodox Anglican churches and groups in the west which share our historic faith and order.”

In a response posted on Anglican Mainstream, Canon Dr Vinay Samuel, Director of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life, addresses a concern many will have in reading the Primates’ statement. He says,
“It is my hope that the obviously cordial relationship that developed between the Primates and their Chinese hosts would have made it possible for the Primates to share concerns about the problems faced by Roman Catholics and House churches in China.” He expresses the hope that the Primates would have privately challenged “the Chinese government to see all Christian churches in China as resources for national development and unity.”

The Church of England Newspaper says this statement is a repudiation of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s chosen course. The article says,
“With the Anglican Covenant process under increasing pressure from liberals and conservatives, and his programme of dialogue around the topics dividing the church, but not addressing the divisions within the church, rejected by a majority of the Communion, Dr. Rowan Williams’ international agenda appears to have all but collapsed.”

The state of the Communion
The most recent edition of the Anglican Unscripted video – which bills itself as the only Anglican podcast – is very interesting. In a wide-ranging conversation, commentators Kevin Kallsen and George Conger – both long-time journalists covering Anglican matters – engage several insiders and experts as they cover: the history and current state of the Anglican Communion, the future of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the controversy roiling and potentially splitting the Church of Ireland, the latest developments in the US Episcopal Church including how it is financing its litigation,
Based in part of the recent Communique released by leaders of the Global South, they make some interesting observations regarding:
The colonial “conceit of the central administration in London” in dealing with the Global South and “the real distain the ACC [Anglican Consultative Council] is held in by leaders of the Global South. They feel it is a corrupt body.”
The turmoil in the Communion, which they say was created, “Not so much [by] bad decision-making from Lambeth Palace as [by] the absence of decision-making from Lambeth Palace, allowing the Anglican Consultative Council staff to make decisions”. Canterbury’s unwillingness to act or even speak in the face of hundreds of depositions in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada directly lead to the creation of the Anglican Church in North America. They say, “ACNA does not exist because of the actions of Presiding Bishop Katharine Schori; the ACNA… exists because the Archbishop of Canterbury did not do anything”.
The activities of the Global South leaders, who, faced with a vacuum of moral authority in Lambeth Palace and official Communion structures, are setting up their own structures. While remaining firmly in the Anglican Communion, they believe “the head of the Church is Jesus Christ. It should not be someone appointed by [British politicians].”

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali writes on the Islamic extremism and proposes action
Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali writes in the Telegraph, “At the heart of extremism is an ideology, a world-view… Such an ideology expects Islam to dominate rather than to accept a subservient place in world affairs… its ultimate aim is a single Islamic political, social, economic and spiritual entity.” He then goes on to discuss the radical Islamic elements to the “Arab Spring” revolutions burning through North Africa and the Middle East.

The solutions he offers include:
So what should be done about the rise of this kind of Islamism? In the Muslim world, the answer is clear. Democracy is not enough in itself or it could simply become a tyranny of the radicalised. It must be accompanied by internationally backed guarantees of liberties for women, non-Muslims and even moderate Muslim opinion. There must be one law for all and the equality of all before the law. A common view of citizenship will prevent the re-appearance of the dhimma for non-Muslims, under which they are little better than subject peoples without equal rights.

In the West, too, citizenship is where to begin. This means the West will need, once again, to acknowledge the Judaeo-Christian tradition and aspects of the Enlightenment that have made it what it is. How can we expect others to integrate when we are suffering from amnesia about our own identity?...

We need a commitment to English as the lingua franca and the teaching of history that reveals the “golden thread” of a cohesive world-view.

We should be clear that integration does not necessarily imply assimilation. It is possible to be fully integrated as citizens but also to hold on to our culture, religion and language.

Worldwide Lutheran Church wanders down well-trod path toward heresy
The Anglican Journal reports that the
“worldwide Lutheran church is seeking to address the issue of homosexuality and the church within a global context… as it appears in different contexts” with “A lot of listening to each other…” in order to “…reach comprise”. The article continues: “A traditional interpretation of the Bible says homosexuality is sinful, and that view is often found in the developing world… Many churches in the developed world have a more liberal interpretation of the Bible, but there also the issue has caused tension with more traditionally-minded believers. For instance, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 2009 voted to open ordained ministry to gay people in committed relationships, but in 2010, conservative American Lutherans split to form the North American Lutheran Church.”

Traditional Anglican Communion Archbishop urged to resign
Archbishop John Hepworth who spearheaded the initiative to get the Roman Catholic Church to create an Anglican Ordinariate to receive Anglican congregations has lost the support of much of his communion with few willing to follow him into the Ordinariate and some actively calling for a change in leadership.

Anglican Mission in England, “game changer”
The launch of the Anglican Mission in England with its panel of bishops is a “game changer” in the UK, argue Canons Vinay Samuel and Chris Sugden. It demonstrates an unwillingness to participate in Church of England politics as defined by that churches establishment and responding to issues in a piecemeal, fragmentary manner. They write: “
AMIE is a standing together that demonstrates a different way of doing things. It has a different view of mission through planting churches and organizing for growth rather than seeking power and influence in the present system. It has a different view of being Anglican which embraces a global Anglican identity based on the Bible rather than a technical institutional identity. It has a different view of episcopacy that is not prelatical or monarchical but missional, accountable and focused on service.”

Canterbury’s “theology of moral decision-making” explored
The Rev Charles Raven reviews a recently released book on the current Archbishop of Canterbury’s theology of moral decision-making. The review provides more interesting insight into Dr Williams’ mind. The Rev Raven concludes,
“…One of the keys to making sense of recent history of the Anglican Communion is to recognise the deep determination of Western liberals to overcome the set-back they received at the 1998 Lambeth Conference and it is a serious weakness that this booklet does not take account of the ways, practically and theologically, that Rowan Williams’ has served that agenda - not least by justifying the avoidance of decisions.”

From around the Communion and the world
South East Asia – The Province of South East Asia has elected its 4th Primate to succeed Archbishop John Chew when he steps down next year. Archbishop Elect Bolly Lapok, from the diocese of Kuching, will be installed on 12 February 2012, in Kuching, Sarawak

SomaliaCompass Direct News reports that another “kidnapped Christian convert from Islam was found decapitated on Sept. 2… in Bakool region, in southwestern Somalia.”

KenyaAllAfrica reports that the Anglican Church of Kenya is actively distributing aid in Kenyan communities hard hit by the drought and famine in the Horn of Africa.

Nigeria – Christians continue to be killed by armed Muslim extremists in villages in central Nigeria – more than 100 in the past month. And now International Christian Concern reports that “Christians in Nigeria are concerned about reports of a possible alliance between Boko Haram, a local radical Islamic group and Al-Qaeda. The Nigerian government discovered that the August 26 attack on the United Nations office in the country was a collaborative effort of the two groups. The car bomb attack killed 23 and wounded 80 people. Boko Haram has been responsible for the killing of Christians, moderate Muslims and security officers in Nigeria… Members of Boko Haram fight to introduce Sharia law all over Nigeria.”

On September 22, Islamists killed eight more Christians.
“Suspected militants from the Boko Haram Islamic sect… went to shops owned by Christians… ordering them to recite verses from the Quran … If the Christian traders were unable to recite the verses, the gunmen shot and killed them...”

EgyptAn Anglican Journal article states that human rights organizations are concerned that religious freedom is coming under pressure in Egypt in the lead up to anticipated November elections. It reports, “Christians account for around 10 percent of the Egyptian population and have long suffered discrimination, as well as violent attacks.” But “since the fall of the Mubarak regime in February… there have been a number of attacks by extremist Muslims on churches, Coptic villages and members of both the Coptic churches (who account for 95 percent of Egyptian Christians) and other Christian denominations.” Converts to Christianity are particularly vulnerable to persecution and receive little government protection.

Sudan – Following the independence of South Sudan, Christians remaining in Sudan, are increasingly targeted by Islamists who are seeking a purely Islamic state. Compass Direct News reports that “Muslim extremists from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh arrive in Sudan every two weeks to undergo training in secret camps in Khartoum before they are sent to various parts of Sudan to preach Islam and demolish church buildings… On July 18, a group of Muslim extremists attacked the home of Anglican Church of Sudan Bishop Andudu Adam Elnail in an attempt to kill him and two other pastors… who all happened to be out of the house at the time... No one was hurt, but the assailants left a threatening letter warning them of similar attacks.”

China – The Anglican Journal notes the increasing role China is playing in the economy and development of Africa – including church construction projects.

Zimbabwe – The Washington Post reports that the renegade excommunicated bishop of Harare has been taking over Anglican hospitals, orphanages, schools and churches in the country with the protection and help of police and the country’s dictator, Robert Mugabe. It notes that “Bishop Nolbert Kunonga was excommunicated four years ago after he was accused of inciting violence in sermons supporting longtime President Robert Mugabe’s party… [however] Kunonga insists he split from the Anglican church because of its position on gay marriage.”

The Church of England Newspaper reports that, in an effort to prove the falseness of Kunonga charges, the legitimate Bishop of Harare has declared that
“Anglicans who contract same-sex marriages or gay civil unions will be excommunicated… His remarks come as church leaders in Central Africa denied charges leveled by the breakaway bishop of Harare that the Church of the Province of Central Africa had endorsed the “pro-gay” agenda of the Episcopal Church and Anglican Church of Canada.”

Ireland – The Church of England Newspaper reports there is fear of a split in the Church of Ireland after the Bishop of Cashel and Ossory permitted a dean to formalize a same-sex union in contravention of the Church’s formal position on human sexuality. This bishop later was advised by “Church leaders in Northern Ireland… to stay away from the Sept 8 consecration of Bishop Patrick Rooke at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Armagh. The bishop had been told his support for clergy gay civil unions had broken the collegiality of the church and his presence would cause some participants in the ceremony to refrain from receiving the Eucharist with him.”

Japan – The Sydney Anglicans website provides an update on earthquake/tsunami recovery efforts in Japan. CMS missionary Karen Darda reports that “…the past few months have seen an outpouring of Christ’s love crossing [denominational] boundaries… Christians in Japan have been tireless in their efforts.” The report notes that 87,000 people lost their homes and livelihoods and 5000 people are still missing. Karen says that “Uncertainty and panic is just below the surface and, because of many months of ongoing earthquakes and aftershocks, people are living with a lot of stress.” She asks for prayer “…that there would be wise and sensitive evangelism by Christians… [and] for the nation’s ongoing clean-up and reconstruction and spiritual and emotional healing...”

Pakistan has been hit by another devastating flood. In an appeal for funds, the Anglican Communion News Service reports that 5.4 million people are affected by the floods. “Already 248 people have died, and communities that had barely recovered from the devastating floods of last year have seen their homes and livelihoods destroyed a second time.”

Ecuador – The Episcopal News Service reports that the US Episcopal Church (TEC) held its recent House of Bishops meeting in the tiny, 2153-member Episcopal Diocese of Ecuador. After years of poor leadership, the diocese is hopelessly divided. Now the diocesan bishop and the entire standing committee have resigned. TEC Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Shori has appointed an interim bishop. The StandFirm blog provides the background which includes TEC’s caviler imposition of bishops on the diocese despite the unequivocal rejection by the diocesan governing bodies of those bishops.

More international news
Daily Nation – September 10 2011 – Anglican head to visit Harare over ‘attacks’ against church
Church of England Newspaper – September 9 2011 – 3 NZ no’s for the Anglican Covenant
Church of England Newspaper – September 16 2011 – Archbishop was sexually abused

Soul food

Just for fun
An elderly lady was well-known for her faith and for her boldness in talking about it. For instance, she would stand on her front porch and shout, "Praise the LORD!"

Next door to her lived an atheist who would get so angry at her proclamations he would shout, "There is no Lord!!"

Hard times set in on the elderly lady, and she prayed for God to send her some assistance. She stood on her porch and shouted, "Praise the LORD. God I need food! I’m having a hard time. Please LORD, send me some groceries!!"

The next morning the lady went out on her porch and noted a large bag of groceries and shouted, "PRAISE THE LORD!" The neighbor jumped from behind a bush and said, "Aha! I told you there is no Lord. I bought those groceries; God didn't."

The lady started jumping up and down and clapping her hands and said, "Praise the LORD!! He not only sent me groceries, but He made the devil pay for them. Praise the LORD!"

Many Christians want to serve God, but only in an advisory position.

PayPal bows to lobbyists’ pressure in shutting down pro-family accounts
LifeSiteNews reports that
“Under pressure from homosexual activists, PayPal has decided to deny service to famed Brazilian pro-life and pro-family Christian activist Julio Severo” who has authored “several books including a work on the homosexual movement in Brazil… Severo’s use of PayPal has been targeted in recent weeks by the homosexual group “All Out,” which has created an online petition to urge PayPal to dump Severo and nine other PayPal users as purveyors of “hate” and “extremism.” Severo’s site expresses love of homosexuals and a concern that homosexual behavior is destructive to those who participate in it.” The article urges the signing of a counter-petition against the persecution of pro-family Christians targeted in the PayPal campaign.

Prosperity Gospel denounced – What is often called the “prosperity gospel”, which links material blessing to spiritual holiness, is even more popular in Africa than in North America. But Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, primate of Nigeria, has courageously denounced this corruption of Jesus’ teaching. According to the Church of England Newspaper, in an August 21 media interview, Archbishop Okoh warned of the danger of this false gospel which leads people into materialism.

In an excellent video posted to YouTube, Rev John Piper clearly explains why the so-called “Prosperity Gospel” is so very dangerous.

Church websites – Sydney Anglicans technology blogger, Steve Kryger has collected examples of inspirational church websites.

Fatherhood – The same people that created the movie Fireproof, have now released Courageous, a movie about God’s intentions for fatherhood. It will be in a limited number of theatres across Canada beginning September 30. For show times in your area and to order tickets online, please visit

Infant baptism – The Sydney Anglican website provides practical advice on how to respond to requests from non-church people for baptism of their infants. It suggests explaining to the non-churched parents that baptism is about the 3 Bs – believing, behaving and belonging – and invite them to explore these three further with you so they can decide with integrity if they want to pursue baptism.

Morality and youth – A New York Times article explores the research on young people’s understanding of morality and found that morality has become divorced from any basis for decision-making. So many now see morals as personal, relative and based on transient feelings, resulting in the lose of a shared social moral framework

Please pray...
For ANiC churches in Ontario involved in property disputes:
St Aidan’s (Windsor), St George’s (Burlington), St Hilda’s (Oakville) and Good Shepherd (St Catharines).

ANiC congregations in transition, leaving long-time church buildings and settling into new facilities. Praise God for His provision and for the generosity and outpouring of love from other Christian churches in their communities.

For ANiC
synod planning and preparations.

For our
bishops, clergy and lay leaders, and their families – especially those in need of healing.

ANiC projects, church plants and parishes, and for their proclamation of the Good News to those in their communities who desperately need new life in Christ.

For our missionaries, including the
Rev Geoffrey & Rosalind Dixon and Deacon Richard Roberts currently working in Uganda.

ARDFC’s new Congo project which is helping war-torn communities return to faming and promotes peace-making. May God use it to bless Congolese and bring many to Christ.

For peace and an end to the killing in the
Sudan. For God’s hand of protection to cover His Church.

persecuted Christians in Nigeria, Egypt, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Zimbabwe and China – and especially for those suffering unimaginable abuse and atrocities in North Korea, Eritrea & Somalia.

For those ministering in the
famine areas in the Horn of Africa. Pray that the Islamist militias in Somalia will relent and allow aid to safely enter territories where people are starving.

For the nation of
Israel. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

For the
GAFCon Primates & Fellowship of Confessing Anglican leaders as they plan meetings of Biblically faithful Anglicans in 2012 & 2013. Pray also for the new Anglican Mission in England.

For all those in positions of leadership and influence in the
Anglican Communion, that they would honour and obey God above all else.

repentance and revival in our hearts and in our nation, for a hunger for God and His Word.

And now a word from our sponsor
Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by.
I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.
He will send from heaven and save me; he will put to shame him who tramples on me. Selah
God will send out his steadfast love and his faithfulness!
My soul is in the midst of lions; I lie down amid fiery beasts—the children of man, whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords.
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth!
They set a net for my steps; my soul was bowed down. They dug a pit in my way, but they have fallen into it themselves. Selah
My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast! I will sing and make melody!
Awake, my glory! Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awake the dawn!
I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations.
For your steadfast love is great to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth!

Psalm 57

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