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  Bishops’ messages 2013

Video message from Bishop Charlie Masters
Christmas 2013 - Have a look at Bishop Charlie's 8-minute video on YouTube. It is based on Matthew's account of the Son of God's coming as a helpless infant (Matthew 1).

Bishop Charlie Master's Christmas letter
Christmas 2013 – …It is an interesting thing to think about the peace that Jesus brings. I would suggest to you that this peace does not necessarily mean that everything in life will go smoothly. … more

Bishop Charlie Masters’ Advent letter
Advent, 2013 – this year beginning conveniently on December 1st, is the first and best argument for observing the Church Year. Surely there is no other reality or central teaching of the Bible, more forgotten or functionally dismissed, by even serious Christians, than the doctrine of the return of Christ. … more

Filipino typhoon relief
November 14, 2013 – I am certain that you have been deeply moved by the terrible situation in the Philippines resulting from last week's deadly typhoon … more

Easter 2013 – Perhaps because it is an example of one of the greatest understatements in all of Holy Scripture, I find this to be one of the more memorable texts coming from the four accounts of the Resurrection! ... more

Bishop Charlie Masters’ call to ANiC’s eastern assembly, April 17-19
February 25 – I welcome you to join us April 17-20 2013 for the ANiC Eastern Assembly at the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, ON. We as a church are serious about gospel proclamation because Jesus… has called the church to preach the gospel to every person everywhere, making disciples of all nations. ... more

Bishops Stephen & Trevor’s call to ANiC’s regional assemblies in Vancouver, April 17-20
February 11 – We, Bishops, Stephen Leung and Trevor Walters, welcome you in Christ to join the ANiC Regional Assemblies April 17-20 2013, held at the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd Vancouver. ... more

A Lenten Pastoral Letter from Bishop Don
February 6 – I am writing this in Toronto after spending a glorious weekend "celebrating" with our Celebration Church in Barrie as they move into their third year of celebrating their call from Christ to come out and witness to the Faith that is so sustaining to them. ... more

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Anglican Network in Canada | Box 1013 | Burlington | ON | Canada | L7R 4L8 | Tel.: 1-866-351-2642 | Anglican Network email contact

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