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  ANiC - Cuban REC Church partnerships

A number of ANiC congregations have partnered with Cuban congregations planted by Bishop Charlie and Claudia Dorrington of our sister diocese in the ACNA, the Reformed Episcopal Church of Western Canada and Alaska. Because of the poverty in Cuba these church plants require outside assistance which these ANiC congregations have eagerly provided. However opportunities remain for more ANiC churches to partner with these growing Cuban churches and their church planters.

In an effort to become more self-sufficient, church members in Cuban are working hard on the churches' farm and a couple of other income generating projects, but these are still in their infancy. 

In 2017, the Anglican Relief and Development Fund Canada is fundraising for the purchase of a van which will be used by the missionary district in Cuba both for internal needs and to generate income for the churches.

Another mission trip to encourage the Cuban churches is planned for May 26 - June 5 2017.

> Learn how you can get involved in meeting current outstanding needs
> Brian McVitty+ (Celebration Church, Barrie, ON) visited Cuba in February 2017 and wrote this brief report
> Brian McVitty+ also took some photos
> ACNA/REC/ANiC Cuba Mission 2016 Video (Short Version)
> Bishop William’s Synod Charge
> See a report from the team visiting the Cuban REC churches in May 2016

The Rev Barclay Mayo, Abbotsford BC
Phone: 604-815-8309

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Anglican Network in Canada | Box 1013 | Burlington | ON | Canada | L7R 4L8 | Tel.: 1-866-351-2642 | Anglican Network email contact

Registered Canadian Charity Number: 861 091 981 RR 0001