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  General Synod 2007
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[originally published at]

The Rev. Dr. Brett Cane
Chair, Essentials Initiative, General Synod 2007
Anglican Essentials Canada (Federation)
“That they may be one” (John 17:21)

March, 2007

Dear Delegate/Alternate to General Synod 2007,

I am writing on behalf of Anglican Essentials Canada to invite you to various events we are hosting in conjunction with our National Church's General Synod to be held in Winnipeg, June 19-25, 2007.

Essentials is a movement representing a wide diversity of Canadian Anglicans. Its vision is “To be the theological and spiritual rallying point for historic orthodoxy in the Anglican Church of Canada.” Its mission since its founding in 1994 has been “To call the Anglican Church of Canada to embrace and live by its orthodox Christian heritage under the renewing guidance of the Holy Spirit.”

With this in mind, the aim of our presence at General Synod will be twofold:
1. To assist those delegates sympathetic with the Essentials vision and mission in bringing this perspective to the issues facing our Church at this time
2. To help all delegates in clarifying the issues and in developing a consensus that is faithful to Scripture

The form of our presence will be through what we are calling “Encouragement 2007” - events open to all delegates preceding and during Synod. This will consist of a gathering the day before Synod opens and evening sessions at the supper hour during Synod itself. An outline of proposed events, locations and a biographical sketch of our theme speaker, the Rev. Dr. Andrew Goddard of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, is on the back of this letter. In addition, we will be producing a daily newssheet, hosting a display booth with a “book of the day” for sale at nominal cost, and providing e-mail accessibility as a service to delegates.

Although the concerns of Essentials are far wider than the issue of same-sex blessings, this is obviously going to be a focus as we gather together, so I am enclosing a booklet produced by the Zacchaeus Fellowship as a contribution to the discussion. It contains testimonies of those who have experienced same-gender attraction yet do not commend its practice. Our Primate has written the foreword. For those wishing a more extensive theological and doctrinal approach to the issue, there is an article I have written, “The Bible and Homosexuality,” available on my parish's website,

Please be assured of our prayers as you take on the responsibility of representing us in the councils of our Church.

Yours in Christ's service,

(The Rev. Dr.) Brett Cane,
Chair, Essentials Initiative, General Synod 2007

Note: The mailing list for this letter was compiled from information available to the general public and not from any official diocesan or National Church source. It will not be used for any other purpose or further communication and is being destroyed after this mailing.

274 Campbell Street, Winnipeg, MB R3N 1B5; telephone (204) 489-3390;
“I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel” (Ezekiel 3:17).

ENCOURAGEMENT 2007 - Monday/Tuesday, June 18/19, 2007


Andrew Goddard The Rev'd Dr Andrew Goddard is Tutor in Ethics at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. He studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford before completing a theology doctorate on the life and work of Jacques Ellul. In recent years he has played a significant role in the Anglican Communion debates on homosexuality and the nature of communion. He is editor of Anvil, the Anglican evangelical theology journal, a Fellow of the Anglican Communion Institute, and serves on the Faith and Order Advisory Group of the Church of England. He is pursuing research on the ethical teaching of the Lambeth Conferences and the nature of development and diversity in Christian ethical thinking.


Monday: 12 noon
1:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Welcome, worship and opening addresses
Address by Dr. Goddard on
“Ethics and Anglicanism”
Public Meeting at Holy Trinity Anglican Church
Dr. Goddard:
“Walking Together?” - The Future Shape of the Anglican Communion considering Lambeth 98, the Primates' Meetings, Windsor, General Convention 2006, General Synod 2007 and the proposed Covenant.

Tuesday: 9:00 a.m.
10:00 - noon

7:30 p.m.
Worship and Bible Study with Dr. Goddard
Essentials Workshops (Motions, Volunteers, etc.)
General Synod registration and orientation
Delegates eat their evening meal in their hotel

Opening session of General Synod.

Supper-time presentations will continue to be held Wednesday, June 20 - Saturday, June 23, from 6:15 to 7:15 pm. After having their evening meal in their hotels, delegates are invited to enjoy a special desert, fellowship and to hear Synod updates and addresses by various speakers


Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning and supper-time presentations will take pace in the Peregrine Room of the Radisson Hotel, 288 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg (one of the Hotels where General Synod Delegates are housed). The Monday evening event will be held at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 256 Smith Street.


Registration for the above events is not required, unless you wish to take advantage of the lunch and/or supper on June 18th. There is no charge for these meals or events. If you wish to sign up for either or both of the two meals, please contact Michael McKenna at or (416) 282-2756 (Please note that delegates are responsible for their own breakfast and lunch on Tuesday, June 19th).


Essentials is not responsible for any additional travel or accommodation costs incurred by attending the pre-synod event and these should be negotiated with the delegate's individual diocese. For those who wish, billeting in private homes of Winnipeg Anglicans will be available for the nights of Sunday, June 17th and Monday, June 18th. To request billeting, along with transportation from the airport and to events on the Monday or Tuesday, please contact Michael McKenna at the above coordinates.

“Encouragement 2007” events are not sponsored by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada but every effort is being made to cooperate with those involved in its organization to avoid scheduling or other conflicts.

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