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  September 2009: Keeping a Prayer Journal
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Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Philippians 4: 6 ESV

Welcome to our September 2009 1st Friday Call to Prayer. Our aim is to provide you with teaching that we trust will enhance your prayer experience and will be an encouragement to you. We will also provide you with praise items and prayer requests coming from within ANiC and the Anglican Communion worldwide.

We encourage you to set aside the first Friday, September 4th, as a day of prayer and fasting for the Church in these critical days, ideally gathering with other believers in your parish or region for corporate prayer at some point in the day.

Prayer Quotes
We hear it said that a man will suffer in his life if he does not pray; I question it. What will suffer is the life of the Son of God within him, which is nourished not by food but by prayer...Prayer is the way the life of God is nourished.
Oswald Chambers

Keeping a Prayer Journal

God is “in” to history. Some scholars would suggest that the reason for this is that what we call the history of humanity is really “His Story”, not ours. However, writing things down and keeping a record of God’s dealings with his creation has always been an activity that he has encouraged his people to embrace.

Here’s a case in point: When the Israelites were poised on the banks of the Jordan, finally arriving at their destination after forty years of wandering in the wilderness because of their rebellion, God gives them very specific instructions, through Moses, on how to write down and display his word to them.

”You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your hearts and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes… You shall write them on the doorposts of your houses and your gates. Deut 11:18-20 ESV

The point is that the Lord is aware of our propensity to forget his benevolent provision, his incredible blessings, and his answers to our prayers. The Lord reminds the Israelites that, once they have come into the Promised Land and are dwelling in “great and good cities that you did not build, and houses full of all good things that you did not fill… then take care lest you forget the Lord.” (Deut 6: 10-12).

As intercessors, it is vitally important that we do not forget the Lord, by becoming presumptuous in taking his care and provision for us for granted. Nor do we want to become complacent in our prayers with a “what-have-you-done-for-me-lately” attitude that can so easily slip in.

One of the practical ways that I have experienced in keeping my attitude in a prayerful posture is the keeping of a prayer journal. There are many helpful websites with information on how to keep a prayer journal – just “Google” the subject and you will find them. My desire here is to share the benefits with those of you for whom this may be a new concept.

There are numerous ways to accomplish this. Some people keep track of those for whom they have been praying in a “check list” format with date, subject of intercession, and a space for answers to prayer. Once the “answer” to prayer has come, the prayer request can be marked as completed.

My personal choice, however, is a bit more detailed, and perhaps, more onerous, but especially during times of retreat and reflection, I prefer to actually write out my prayers as I am praying them. Just as you might expect, sometimes they are prayers of joy and thanksgiving, sometimes they are full of repentance and anguish. I write down my fears, my disappointment with my own spiritual progress, and my little victories over weaknesses. I strive to write them down just as the words come, not “sanitizing” them or making them more religious sounding - real communication with the Father, but in written form.

Then I take the time to listen, because loving communication is always a two-way process. In the quiet of our moments of solitude, God still speaks to our hearts concerning what we have prayed. If I believe that the Holy Spirit is speaking to me, then I write those words down as well, all the while realizing that this process is quite subjective and must be tested against the Scriptures. God will never contradict what he has already communicated to his people through the Word. If there is anything directive in what I believe that I have received, I will share it with those under whose spiritual authority I am submitted, such as my rector or bishop, for confirmation or adjustment.

So what are the benefits? Some of my earliest “journaling” goes back ten years or more, and I find it extremely helpful to reread them periodically, noting the theme of my prayers at that time, and seeing areas of growth where the Holy Spirit has been changing me. Quite honestly, I frequently weep as I read; weeping tears of gratefulness for the Lord’s extraordinary patience with me (a sinner), and for his answers to my intercessions on behalf of my family and my Church. When I reread the words that I believe the Spirit has spoken to me prophetically, even though they may have been as much as eight or nine years in the past, I rejoice greatly as I see them being fulfilled in my life. Such confirmation strengthens my faith and encourages me to trust him at a deeper level.

So, dear Friends, let me exhort you to consider beginning a prayer journal. Perhaps you began one years ago but have not kept at it. Pick it up again. There is no right or wrong way. Personally, I cannot manage writing in it daily as some may do, but during specific seasons of need in my life, it has been an excellent tool in the Lord’s hands to remind me of his great faithfulness and the specific blessings that he has bestowed upon me, and to propel me forward in greater trust and deeper intimacy with him.

And surely that’s the point, isn’t it.

Garth V. Hunt

Praise God …
That we have an advocate with the Father, Christ Jesus.

That He hears and answers our prayers when we pray in submission to His will – and answers in His way and in His time.

That He has provided us with a record of His working in “His Story” – both for our encouragement and our edification.

That, through prayer, we have the privilege of communing with the Creator of the universe and participate in the unfolding of His purposes.

For our churches, for the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) and for the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).

For faithful Anglican bishops, clergy and laity – throughout the Communion – who standing for truth – even when their stand for Christ and His Word makes them targets for attack.

For those who are providing leadership to the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans and for the growing unity of orthodox Anglicans in the Communion.

For the reformation God is working out in global Anglicanism. In the midst of chaos, He is building His Kingdom and refining His bride, the Church.

For His blessing on ANiC, for how He has led and for what He has planned for the future.

For the many ANiC “projects” – the small, but growing congregations of faithful Anglicans – He is adding to our number.

Please pray…
That God would teach us to be faithful in prayer.

That we would desire God – and communion with Him – above everything.

That we would fall deeper in love with Jesus, growing more like our Saviour each day.

That we see as Jesus saw, love as He loved, serve as He served, and die to ourselves as He died to Himself.

For Bishops Donald Harvey, Malcolm Harding and Ronald Ferris, and their families – as well as for bishops-elect Trevor Walters, Stephen Leung and Charlie Masters. Pray for spiritual and physical protection and for a daily closer walk with God.

For those suffering under the attack of the enemy in our congregations and families. Pray for victory in Christ and healing, if that is God’s will.

For new and forming ANiC congregations as they attend to the many details of organizing and launching a parish – and for other congregations considering joining ANiC.

For congregations that have lost their places of worship as well as for those forced to appeal to the courts and facing the possible loss of their buildings. May they demonstrate love to those who persecute them.

For the court proceedings, for the judges considering the cases, for parish wardens, trustees and clergy who have put so much on the line, and for generous donations to ANiC’s legal defense fund to cover the costs of supporting threatened parishes.
For Mr Justice Stephen Kelleher who is now reviewing and weight the evidence form the three-week court case in Vancouver involving four ANiC parishes.
For the case involving St Aidan’s in Windsor, ON.
For St George’s (Lowville, ON), Good Shepherd (St Catharines, ON) and St Hilda’s (Oakville, ON) in their dispute with the Diocese of Niagara.
For a change of heart on the part of the dioceses pursuing ANiC parishes. May they relent and work with parishes to reach amicable settlements.

For Canadian visas to be issued for the guest speakers from China scheduled to lead Church of the Good Shepherd’s evangelistic crusade (Sept 19-20).

For those planning and preparing for ANiC’s November 11-13 synod and conference – including the consecration of our three new bishops.

For the leaders of Anglican Essentials Federation, Anglican Essentials Network and Anglican Essentials Canada as they provide support for orthodox Anglicans in the ACoC.

For the recovery of a lively orthodoxy in the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) and for those who feel called to remain in the ACoC to pray and work for reformation and for a renewed commitment to Jesus Christ and His inspired Word.

For Biblically-faithful Anglicans in Canada who feel isolated in liberal churches and dioceses as well as for those who feel they can no longer remain in the Anglican Church of Canada. May they find Christian fellowship and spiritual nourishment.

For Archbishop Gregory Venables (and his wife, Sylvia) who graciously provided a temporary “home” for ANiC members when we needed Primatial oversight.

For our new province, the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA):
For Archbishop Bob Duncan (and wife, Nara)
For the other 27 dioceses and the bishops giving leadership – especially those in Canada: the Anglican Coalition in Canada and the Reformed Episcopal Church.

For the orthodox Primates and bishops who are courageously standing for the Truth. Pray for spiritual and physical protection and for discernment, grace and strength as they lead in a torn Communion.

For the Covenant process. May the Lord clearly lead and may His will be done.

For the Archbishop of Canterbury. May he pursue God wholeheartedly and seek the wisdom and discernment he needs to fulfill his responsibilities to the glory of God.

For suffering Christians around the world in conditions of persecution, war and poverty – especially those persecuted in the name of Islam in Pakistan, Iran, northern Nigeria & Iraq.

For Bishop Nazir-Ali as he begins his new mission supporting and training persecuted Christians in Muslim nations.

For those in authority over us in government; for judges in our court system; for officers of the law; and for those who serve our country in the military. Pray for wise decisions that honour the Lord and promote the welfare of Canadian citizens. Pray also for protection for those who are in “harms way” as they serve our country.

That God would revive us, our church and, ultimately, our nation.

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